Kumanokodo , Maditation / Yoga / Art


Reservations and Inquiries

Reservations and Inquiries for PADASA

Kindly complete the following form to make a reservation or inquiry with PADASA.
You will receive an automated confirmation email upon successful submission.
We will reply to your inquiry via email within 24 hours.

A) Salon Class: 90 minutes

¥1,500 per person

B) Scheduled Salon Class: 90 minutes at your preferred time

¥3,000 per person (minimum of 1 person)

C) On-site Class at Accommodation, etc.: 90 minutes

  • Travel fee: ¥3,000 (within 30 minutes by car), ¥5,000 (within 1 hour by car)
  • Class fee: ¥2,500 per person
  • (We will bring zafu cushions, blankets, and auxiliary yoga blocks.)

Please participate in comfortable, relaxed attire.

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Inquiry Type
(Please enter half-width alphanumeric characters.)
(Please enter numbers without hyphens and a phone number where we can contact you.)
Please be as specific as possible.

Information Privacy Policy

Declaration of Personal Information Protection
PADASA recognizes that personal information is an important asset in today’s society and that properly handling personal information is a crucial responsibility. Based on the following policy, PADASA declares its commitment to protecting personal information.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations Regarding Personal Information Protection
PADASA will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and other relevant norms, and will handle personal information appropriately.

Acquisition of Personal Information
When PADASA acquires personal information, it will strive to clarify the purpose of use and acquire personal information through legal and fair means.

Use of Personal Information
The personal information acquired by PADASA will be used only to the extent necessary for the performance of business, within the scope of the purpose of use indicated at the time of acquisition or within a reasonably relevant range. Furthermore, when jointly using personal information with a third party or entrusting the handling of personal information to a third party, PADASA will supervise the joint user and the third party to ensure proper use of personal information.  

Third-Party Provision of Personal Information
PADASA will not provide personal information to a third party without obtaining prior consent from the individual, except as stipulated by law.

Management of Personal Information
PADASA will maintain the accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal information, manage it safely, and implement necessary and appropriate information security measures to prevent loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.  

Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information 
PADASA recognizes that individuals have the right to request disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of their personal information, and will establish a personal information consultation desk to promptly respond to these requests in accordance with laws and regulations. 

Organization and Structure
PADASA will implement appropriate management of personal information used in business and build a system to ensure proper handling of personal information in business.

Formulation and Implementation of Personal Information Protection Rules
To implement this personal information protection policy, PADASA will formulate personal information protection rules, disseminate and implement them throughout the organization through training and education, and continuously improve them to maintain the best possible state at all times.

Access to PADASA
There is no public transportation available to PADASA.
For those without transportation to PADASA, we offer pick-up and drop-off services from the Hongu Taisha-mae bus stop or the “Michi-no-Eki Okukumano Hongu” .

PADASA Kumanokodo Maditation / Yoga / Art
857 Kamikiribara, Hongu-cho, Tanabe-shi, Wakayama Prefecture, 647-1751

PADASA Kumanokodo パダサ 熊野古道

Copyright © PADASA Kumanokodo. All rights reserved.